


Fireworks 4
Originally uploaded by jonnyups.
So this past weekend, I had a good conversation with one of my friends. He basically talked to me about things he's been struggling with, and what he's learned from it. One of the things he said was this,

"Don't let depression define who you are. You'll find yourself comfortable with it, and you'll then convince yourself that you are a person who is depressed. Even if that's not the case at all."

For some reason, this just hit me. This weekend turned me into a new person. For now at least. I have been in the best mood, and that's cause for celebration.

Also cause for celebration, my band (Parker Theory) released our album today in America. At least in California it's in Best Buy. You can find it on all the .com stores I think. Target, Circuit City, Best Buy, Amazon...all the usuals. Please buy it if you love me. Here's a taste of it, just click:

Thanks for reading. If you came directly to the blog, then check out my real website:


There, you'll find a directory to my photos, blog (here), myspace, and contact info. It's new, so if you haven't seen it, go check it. Also, if you link to me, change the link to go directly to the website, not the blog. Then peeps can see all that is me. :) Love you all, thanks for the birthday wishes (it was monday, May 14th). Happy Wednesday!



The Film Student said...

if we love you, we have to buy it...but what if we only sort of mildly tolerate you sometimes? ;)

Anonymous said...

wow i bet you that cd is so good.

kinda like the photography...

i bet you you're famous all over the WORLD...